Friday, April 13, 2012

Dave Santia - Speed Painting

Recently I was introduced to a local artist that happens to be a friend of a guy who plays baseball with my boyfriend. He’s 6’5" and looks like any normal guy you would meet off the street. Although pretty normal on the outside, this guy is brilliant on the inside. I was told over and over to watch his videos on youtube, but of course I never listened. The other night, Dave had a performance. He is a speed painter, and I never understood what speed painting was all about, and how amazing it is until I saw it for myself.

The idea behind speed painting is to paint a picture of an artist by the time two of their songs are done playing in the background. Sounds easy enough? Well, try painting these people upside down in less than 7 minutes. When it was explained to me, I considered it to be damn near impossible. Then I started thinking it may be possible but would probably turn out to be a sloppy mess I could barely recognize.

As I watched Dave in action I was amazed. My favorite part about speed painting is the music involved. The entire time Dave paints, his love for music shines through his paintings. The music is what keeps him going, it keeps him focused. When the painting is done and the music is still playing, it’s easy to see Dave’s energy. His talent is unlike any other I have ever witnessed. 

 Dave put on a show, doing five paintings for the crowd at the Detroit Pub. It took him six to seven minutes to do each painting, and each one was sold before it was even created. When I heard this I knew the man I was watching was a serious artist. People were lined up to purchase $500 paintings that didn’t even exist yet. Dave spoke to the crowd about his love for art and his love for music, and how they go together hand in hand. Dave loves doing 3 or 4 week paintings, working on them night and day, slowly making them perfect, but as he started doing speed paintings in bars, selling them, he realized that was where he needed to focus his energy.

I watched him paint and I was in awe. It was the most amazing experience to watch him in action. Attached are a couple videos of Dave at work. If you get a chance to make it out and watch him perform, it will be the best artistic experience you may ever have.

I come from a family of artists, and I have seen amazing work. Although I have a lot of love for art and music, this experience made me have a deeper appreciation for musicians and artists. The work they do is insane, and music and art go together like peas and carrots. Come see this will change your life.


Arts, Beats & Eats

 Arts, Beats and Eats is a festival that takes place in Royal Oak from August 31st – September 3rd. It is another great way to bring the community together to celebrate our love of music, art and of course, great food. This will be the 15th annual event for downtown Royal Oak. The event is held for celebrators of all ages. The young and the old are encouraged to come out to show their support of the city, while exploring new insight to the love of art, music and food.

Ten stages will hold over 200 performers for the four day event. It’s an awesome way to support local artists, and find some new music to love. Admission bands for the weekend only cost $3.00, so it is easy to bring the whole family for the weekend, or even for a day.

Along with great music, the streets are lined with amazing art work and artists proud to show off their talents. 135 artists will line the streets with ceramics, digital art, drawing/pastels, fabric/fiber/leather, graphics/printmaking, jewelry, metal, mixed media 2-D and 3-D, painting, photography, sculpture and wood pieces. Supporting the artists of the Detroit area helps them become recognized, and also makes for an exciting weekend for visitors. 

65 booths will be set up with all different types of food venders. This means there is something everyone will love. Adults will be able to explore different types of food they have never tried before, while children will be satisfied with familiar eats from the surrounding community. This is a great way to find new businesses in the area to support.

Arts, Beats and Eats is a great way to present the community with music they may have never heard before. It also gives local restaurants the opportunity to share their love of food and fine dining with the locals and visitors. You may find a new favorite place to eat, a new favorite artist, or your new favorite song! I hope to see you there!

For anyone interested in attending, the event hours are listed below. As you can see, the festival goes from morning until night, so if you only have a couple hours to spend, there will be plenty of time in the four days to make it out and show your support.


Event Hours

Friday August 31st
11:00am - 11:00pm
Saturday September 1st
11:00am - 11:00pm
Sunday September 2nd
11:00am - 11:00pm
Monday September 3rd
11:00am - 10:00pm

Detroit International Jazz Festival

For those of you who love Jazz, or haven’t yet been infected by the amazing sounds jazz music brings, you may want to spend your Labor Day weekend at the Detroit Jazz Festival. August 31 – September 3 will be the 33rd annual celebration of the Detroit Jazz Festival. This festival came to the Detroit area in 1980, and was intended to bring the city together to join in the best of entertainment. Today, the legacy of the festival still lives on.

The festival stretches from Hart Plaza all the way to Campus Martius Park. It is a great way to spend the weekend out on the town, enjoying the riverfront. The venue offers five different stages, two at the North end and three at Hart Plaza. The festival covers two million square feet of downtown, covering three blocks. There is also a Jazz Talk Tent where people can socialize and gain a better understand of Jazz music, musicians, and what the genre of music is really all about.

The most amazing part about the festival is the welcoming areas made just for the kids. The Kid Bop Area not only offers programs for kids, but also offers performances by kids! There is singing, dancing, storytelling and each kid is encouraged to join in the fun. The kids are able to understand jazz and become a part of the magic. The Education Stage was created for the older performers at the middle and high school levels. Not only is the festival a lot of fun, but it’s a great learning experience for adults and children alike.

Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center is and has been the official hotel of the Detroit Jazz Festival. The hotel is located in the center of the festival, adjacent to Hart Plaza. When you book a VIP Jazz Fest package by August 24, you receive your room for just $289 per night. The package also includes dinner at the VIP tent, two drink tickets for the night of reservations for the VIP bar and VIP seating at all stages of the festival. This is an amazing deal if you plan on making a weekend out of the event, bringing the family along for the adventure.

The Detroit International Jazz Festival continues of boost the Motor City as a hot spot for amazing music, a chance for visitors to experience young artists, enjoy our casinos and experience the beautiful riverfront. The greatest part about this festival is that it is FREE. There is no charge for admission. The only thing you’ll need money for is food, drinks and maybe some extra spending money to support local venders from the Detroit area that will be selling their goods in tents.

By presenting visitors and locals with free entertainment such as the Jazz Festival, we can help bring awareness to the greatness of the Motor City. It’s important to come together and support our city. This is what keeps the city alive and it cannot be done without love and support for Detroit. Grab your friends, family, kids or elders, and come enjoy the show!

Movement- DEMF

May 26-28, Detroit will host the Electronic Music Festival at Hart Plaza. This festival started Memorial Day weekend of 2000 and has continued to keep its popularity each Memorial Day weekend since.  The festival is designed around DJ’s and artists that live and breathe electronic music. DJ’s, percussionists, artists and producers from all over the world come to be a part of this festival here in the Motor City.

There will be 58 new acts for this year’s Electronic Music Festival, as more and more performers want to be a part of the event. The festival, now called the Movement, is said to be the roots and history of electronic music in Detroit, and the roots of underground techno music.

Although expensive, the tickets are worth the performance you will see. It is $70.00 for a 3-day pass, allowing you to see any performances you want throughout the weekend. VIP passes include VIP bar access for those thinking all weekend, private bathrooms which might come in handy considering the amount of people who attend the festival, and behind the scenes access to the main stage for $190.00.

Hundreds of artists gather to perform at this event including those who return every year, and those who will be performing for the first time. Although each artist has a love for electronic music, each brings their own style, which differ the artists from one another.

I have never been to the Electronic Music Festival, but I look forward to becoming a part of something new and exciting. I am more of a country, classic rock and oldies music lover, but I am always willing to try something new and see what Detroit has to offer for my expansion of musical knowledge. I have heard good things about the festival, and each person I have spoken with who has attended the event always says they will return the upcoming year.

With music, I think it is important to explore different genres that you are not familiar with. It’s a good learning experience and you may find you like something you never knew you did before. Even if you are not into electronic music, the festival may be a great way to get outside of your comfort zone, meet new people, and make lasting memories with your friends. I am looking forward to jumping into something new and exciting, and gaining a new appreciation for a genre of music that I am unfamiliar with.

As a teenager, my sister was really into techno music, and a lot of the songs she would listen to rubbed off on me, and I began to actually like this style of music. I think it will be really fun to spend a weekend with her, enjoying what she loves, and people watching to see the appreciation all of these thousands of fans have for the performs old and new.

If you’re in the Detroit area on Memorial Day weekend and love electronic music, or want to know more about it, this is a great place to go!

the Hoedown

The Hoedown is a music event that starts our summers off in Detroit with a bang. The musical event takes place in the middle of May and has become a tradition. The Hoedown goes down every year at Detroit’s Hart Plaza. It is a great place to catch new upcoming artists, as well as locals who love to perform as well. Over the years the stage has been graced with famous performers, such as Lee Ann Womack and Willie Nelson.

I have a special love for country music, so this concert is by far my favorite of the year. Last year, I attended the venue with a friend who hated country music. Being a good friend, and a friend who was only in town for the weekend, he decided to join me so we could spend some time together, knowing I would never miss the Hoedown. As we drove away from the event, he explained to me that he had a new appreciation for the country genre and the artists who make it possible.

The mood set from the beginning of the event is one all its own. The whole point of bringing the city together is to enjoy the music, and enjoy each other. Everyone there wants to be your friend. No matter which direction you turn, you are greeted with smiles and waves. Chris was not used to this type of musical event, since he’s more of a heavy metal kind of guy. There are no mash pits, no people yelling or fighting, it’s an event all about love and appreciation.  

The great part about the event is that you’re able to watch your favorite performers on stage, and you feel as if you are hanging out with them having a backyard bash. It’s also amazing to watch the local performers shine on the stage as if they are famous too. For a lot of the performers, they are being given the opportunity to interact with their idols, and you can see that from the crowd as you watch the stage. It’s awesome to literally watch these people’s dreams come true.

Like most of the even I’ve talked about, the Hoedown is a great musical event for the whole family. Although there may be a drunken cowboy stumbling here or there, it is a great, safe place to bring the kids, and enjoy family day. Music lovers of all ages are encouraged to come and sing along.

It’s important that we keep the love of music alive in Detroit, and this event is a great way to do that. Every year people from all over the state come to watch, dance and sing along. It’s also cool to see people who feel completely out of their element when they arrive dancing and singing along at the end, completely carefree having fun. Chris may never want to go back to the Hoedown with me, but I know he had a good time in the moment when he was a part of it.

If you’re in the Detroit area in May, and you’re looking for something fun to do, this would be a great way to get your musical string pulling for the start of summer. This year let’s celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Hoedown together! Come support the people who have helped save the music in the Motor City and also support those who are looking to change the world with the music they are bringing to the Hoedown.

Detroit does Detroit

Detroit does Detroit is something that has taken over the city by storm and continues to grow. Last year, a tradition was started. The first installment of Detroit does Detroit had blossomed. This is an event where local bands came together performing music of their favorite performances that have taken place in the motor cities throughout the years. It was originally created as a one time deal, but the feedback from the performances last years sparked interest in creating a series of Detroit by Detroit. Everyone loved the performers and the support and love of their favorite artists.

This April, the tradition will continue. Detroit does Detroit II will be taking over the city on April 14 at the Magic Stick in Detroit. Last year there were only few performers, as they did not know how the fans would react to the new event. Now that they know the fans are begging for more, there are 16 bands set to perform. Instead of having one stage like last year, the venue has expanded and there will be two stages to view during the celebration of our favorite performers. The event is expanding and the word is spreading.

Anyone who loves music, young or old is encouraged to be a part of this event. It is a $5.00 cover, and although it doesn’t seem like much, the proceeds are benefiting the School of Rock in Rochester, and a small five dollars will go a long way for all the starving artists looking for any help they can get. Grab all your friends and tell them about the experience and support they can give to the city of Detroit, just by showing up and having a good time. Not only will you have an amazing time, but you will be supporting the community and giving back at the same time. What could be better?!

Here is a list of the performers that will be attending this year, and the amazing performers they will be dedicating their renditions to:

Vatican (as Alice Cooper), Mick Bassett (as the White Stripes), the Handgrenades (as the High Strung), the Kickstand Band (as the Amino Acids), Lightning Love (as the Kickstand Band), John Nelson & the New Girlfriends (as Brendan Benson), Duende (as the Oscillating Fan Club), Citizen Smile (as Jesse & the Gnome), Pupils (as Adult), Woodman (as Chris Bathgate), the Ashleys (as Pupils), the Good Things (as the Sights), Skinny Wrists (as Deadbeat Beat), Young Blood (as Bob Seger) and Stephen Schmidt (as Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.).

Doors open at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 14 at the Magic Stick.

If you are interested in attending this event, here is the address.
Magic Stick
4120 Woodward, Detroit.
313-833-9700. (In case you get lost) 

Friday Night Live!

The Detroit Institute of Arts is an amazing place to visit whether living in the Detroit area of just visiting for a couple days. The Institute offers a daily look into different cultures and history around the world through different time periods. Along with viewing the art of the decades come the opportunities to experience new music you may grow to love, or the chance to see musicians you are already knowledgeable of.

Friday Night Live is an event that takes place at the Detroit Institute of Arts where artists get the chance to share their musical talents with the city of Detroit. The Institute is open late each Friday and musicians from all over the world come to be a part of the event. The institute has great hours regardless, so it is easy to find time to make it downtown to see the institute. The great part about Friday Night Live is that there is a new performer each Friday, so if you miss one Friday, you can always make it to another.

Friday Night Live does not focus on one set genre of music, which is also very cool because you can attend the event each Friday if you choose and always get a new insight to music. From classical, guitar duos to singing trios, you will find it all here at the DIA. 

 If attending an event, you can also make time to see the art institute. The institute offers amazing art work, and is also very interactive for guests. Children are able to play hide and seek games to better understand the artwork they find. Adults and children are encouraged to stay a while, pulling up a chair and drawing the images they wish to recreate on their own piece of paper. It is a great place for the whole family, and everyone can be involved in the fun. There are a lot of activities that are free with admission on well, so you get more bang for your buck. They offer art-making workshops and even guided tours for those who want to know a little bit more about the institute other than what they see while they are walking through.

I recently visited the DIA for a class assignment. I hadn’t been to the institute since I was a kid, and I wanted to go back but couldn’t find the time. This assignment gave me the perfect opportunity to attend and be a part of the motor city. Although I was only asked to visit the art museum and write about my experience, I happened to go on a Friday night, and with my luck, I was able to attend Friday Night Live. I didn’t know what to expect because I had never heard of the event. The lady at the information desk was very helpful in explaining Friday Night Live to me and how it worked. I had never been one for opera music, but this musical experience changed my life. I found a new love for a genre of music I had never really been interested in before. The performer was from Europe, and she was amazing. I thought it was awesome to be able to be a part of the experience, and to understand the importance of the institute, as people from all over the world travel to pay respects and perform here.

To attend Friday Night Live would be a fun night all it’s own, but if you want a fun, exciting family day, there are activities and events that can take up an entire night, and will not only be really fun, but a great learning experience as well. Be sure to check the DIA website for dates and events that might catch your eye if you’re bored and looking for something to do or if you are visiting the area and want to find something exciting to do while you’re in town. Enjoy!